The Deadpool 3 Trailer Has A Secret Nod To Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man

The Deadpool 3 Trailer Has A Secret Nod To Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man 2

«Deadpool & Wolverine» is set to be a major play for Marvel Studios, as it formally brings Fox’s batch of X-Men characters into the MCU. Thanks to Deadpool’s self-awareness and penchant for breaking the fourth wall, it’s probable that the character will poke fun at Marvel’s various efforts to expand its universe. The «Deadpool 3» trailer snuck in a Punisher connection with a twist and even featured the Time Variance Authority, teasing how integral the film is to the MCU’s future. With expectations sky-high, can audiences look forward to Spider-Man popping up in the threequel? 

Deadpool will probably end up referencing Spider-Man in the film, but no evidence suggests that any Peter Parker variant will appear. With «Deadpool & Wolverine» continuing to expand upon the Multiverse concept, the flick could tease Spidey’s future. All eyes are on Tom Holland’s «Spider-Man 4,» which reportedly has Sony and Marvel fighting over the film’s direction. Sony seems interested in bringing Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield back for Multiverse shenanigans, which would probably be popular with fans. It’ll be interesting to see what transpires in the MCU as the Multiverse Saga continues.  

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